Friday, April 12, 2013

7 Months Old

This girl is growing up too fast. These 7 months have flown by and she is changing every day. Taylor is officially on the move and is doing her army crawl every where. She is getting up on all fours but then launches she is not a real crawler yet. Taylor just moved up to her next car seat and loves to see her brother who sits behind her in the way back. She weighs over 20 pounds and is wearing 9-12 month clothing. Taylor was eating all kinds of baby food and has just started transitioning over to our food. She loves pasta, watermelon, and mashed potatoes.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Disney on Ice

We have been waiting for Disney on Ice to come back to Vegas, and this year was the best because it was all about the Princesses. Jordan was so excited to know we were going (so was Jackson). Jackson and Jordan weren't feeling the greatest but still wanted to go. My friends at the Mack were able to get us into the second row even though I waited to buy our tickets at the last minute. I have more pictures on my phone, but only snapped a few with my camera because we were so into it! This was a good
introduction to the excitement of what Disneyland will be like in a couple months. We can't wait.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

4 Months!

Taylor is 4 months old! Each milestone is celebrated more than ever with older siblings. They are her biggest fans. Taylor is rolling over from front to back now and Jackson and Jordan love to clap when she does it! My favorite thing is her giggle. She loves to laugh her brother and sister, and the dog all the time. We went for her 4 month well-check on the 16th. She is following in her big brothers footsteps. She weighs 17 pounds and is in the > 95th percentiles for height and weight. She is moving into 6-12 month clothes each day. We just got the okay to start rice cereal. She loves it! Her eyes are still blue but are darkening up a bit. We love you baby girl.

Jordan's Olivia Party

Jordan's party day was finally here! We decided on an Olivia Art Party because she loves Olivia and art. Honestly, we could have done a few different themes, but I think this is the last year she will love Olivia. Pintrest was great for some ideas, but I really tried to make this party my own for other things. The decor was simple using mostly black an red...not too much of the Olivia themed stuff.
We did a "Create you Own Pasta Bar" for the food. It was a hit. Three different kinds of pasta, three sauces, chicken, meatballs, sun-dried tomatoes, and lots of cheeses.
There was a simple candy bar for everyone to snack on, but with so many other things for the guests to take home, I didn't go all out!
Carrie made yet another fabulous cake! It was perfect and I had fun adding the toppers.
This was my favorite activity. We did a photo booth (which really was wallpaper on our garage wall). I made a few different signs, all the guests had pig noses and ears, some boas, and a frame. Our photographer snapped all the pictures of the guests (which I will send out as thank yous) This party was one of my favorites. The kids loved painting their own canvases, creating sand art, playing with play dough, making jewelry, and coloring Olivia books. All but two of our friends made the party, so we had a packed house, yet the art made the kids so calm.
I just had to post this! Jordan was maxed out by the end of the party...posing for one last group picture after being in the photo booth and pulled away from her painting did her in. This will always be quoted as the "it's my party and I'll cry if I want to" picture!

Monday, November 12, 2012

2 Months Old!

Wow, time is going by quick! Taylor is two months old and growing up way too fast. At 2 months old, her days are spent mostly sleeping. She has a few waking hours during the day to smile at her brother and sister. She loves to eat, although is not enjoying being on a bottle during the day while I am back at work. Jerome tries and she will take just enough to not be hungry, but as soon as I get home, she only wants her mama! Taylor is following Jackson's footsteps with her height and weight. She is in the 90-95th percentile for her height at almost 24 inches and in the greater than 95 percentile for her weight at 13 pounds 15 ounces. Taylor and I had a great afternoon by ourselves at the doctor until I found out she was getting shots! Poor baby girl, I thought we had another month. I felt horrible and sad that Jerome wasn't with us. The doctor gave me Tylenol to give her and then she got three shots in those chunky thighs. She survived and only cried for a minute.

Friday, October 12, 2012

1 Month Old

I really cannot believe that my baby is 1 month old today. I feel like I just got home from the hospital a few days ago. Taylor is an amazing baby. She is very mellow and loves to snuggle...maybe a little too much. We might have a spoiled baby on our hands. With so much going on in her first month and so many visitors, she has taking a serious liking to being held. She will wake up or stir when put down and of course that leads to someone running to her rescue. Jackson is a wonderful big brother. He makes sure she is happy all the time, constantly kissing and talking to her, and loves to snuggle with "Sugar Bear whenever she can. Jordan loves her too but would much rather play dress-up or get her nails done. She is starting to come over to Taylor on her own and visit with her. Taylor goes back to the doctor on the 22nd, but at her last appointment 1 week ago she is already over 10 pounds. Dr. Hyun was very proud of her and could tell she was a great eater. Taylor is nursing every two hours, even if she is not hungry..she will act like she is so she can snuggle and then just fall asleep. We have gotten some amazing smiles (see below) and she is making great eye contact. Speaking of eyes... THEY ARE STILL BLUE! I know they will change, but I am loving them right now! We love you Taylor and can't believe it has been a month already!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Loving October

Because it is fall and Halloween time! My house is decorated and all the Halloween shirts are ready for wearing! Can't wait till the costumes get here and for Halloween night!